Autor przedstawia dowody ¶wiadcz±ce o tym, i¿ rak jest chorob± wynikaj±c± g³ównie z braku w diecie ludzi wspó³czesnych podstawowego sk³adnika pokarmowego, podobnie jak w przypadku szkorbutu czy pelagry. Tym sk³adnikiem jest witamina B17. W formie oczyszczonej B17, stosowanej w terapii raka znana jest pod nazw± letril. Medycyna ortodoksyjna nie uznaje powy¿szej teorii nt. przyczyny raka. Film z 1973 roku. jednej z przeczytanych przeze mnie prac, opisuj±cej skuteczno¶æ witaminy B17:
Journal of the American Dietetic Association
Volume 97, Issue 10, Supplement 1, October 1997, Pages S208-S215
A Review of Some Herbal and Related Products Commonly used in Cancer Patients
„Amygdalin (vitamin B-17) is a cyanogenetic glycoside found in the seeds of apricots, peaches, and plums that has had several periods of popularity since the 1920s. Multiple scientific studies began in the mid-1950s looking for antitumor effects in animals, but detected no such activity. Human case reviews performed by the NCI in 1978 ended with no definite conclusions. A multicenter prospective clinical trial was undertaken in the US in 1982 to establish the truth behind this so-called “cancer cure.” Of the 178 patients enrolled, 54% had measurable cancer progression after 21 days of treatment, 91% had disease progression after 3 months, and after 7 months all the patients’ tumors had grown. Fifty percent of the patients died within 5 months of the start of the study and 85% died within 8 months. The researchers concluded that previous termlaetrilenext term was of no clinical value in the treatment of cancer, and no significant improvement in quality of life or symptom relief was seen [18. C. Moertel, T. Fleming, J. Rubin and L. Kvols, A clinical trial of amygdalin (previous termlaetrile)next term in the treatment of human cancer. N Engl J Med. 306 (1982), pp. 4201–4206.18].
Several case reports have described serious or lethal toxicity from previous termlaetrilenext term ingestion. Cyanide poisoning appears to be a risk only when previous termlaetrilenext term is taken orally because beta-glucosidase made by intestinal bacteria converts amygdalin to cyanide. Intravenous previous termlaetrilenext term is excreted in the urine without releasing the cyanide [19]. Currently, previous termlaetrilenext term is used primarily in Mexican cancer clinics; it is illegal in 30 states in this country.”
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