Ukaza³a siê — w twardej ok³adce i po angielsku — ksi±¿ka zbiorowa o g³o¶nym argumencie s³ynnego matematyka. Polecam!
Gödel’s Ontological Argument
History, Modifications, and Controversies
edited by Kordula ¦wiêtorzecka
22 × 14 cm, 10+235 p., figures
ISBN 978-83-7507-189-4

Chapter 1
Gödel’s ‘Ontologischer Beweis’. Remarks on Its Philosophical Background and Variations
(Kordula ¦wiêtorzecka)
Chapter 2
From Ontological Proof to Theological Theories
(Johannes Czermak)
Chapter 3
Gödel’s summum bonum versus Leibniz’s ratio sufficiens
(Edward Nieznañski)
Chapter 4
Gödel’s “Slingshot” Argument and His Onto-Theological System
(Sreæko Kovaè, Kordula ¦wiêtorzecka)
Chapter 5
Causal Interpretation of Gödel’s Ontological Proof
(Sreæko Kovaè)
Chapter 6 Blogging Gödel: His Ontological Argument in the Public Eye
(André Fuhrmann)
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