Tak jak w temacie, jest to kontynuacja poprzednich zawodów w Porlezza (,17/porlezza,640.html )na której bylismy w ubieg³ym roku i bardzo sie nam podoba³o, bardzo!
Tym razem zawody odbêd± siê w Lido di Villa Olmo niedaleko Porlezza, tak wiêc obiadek w Rifugio Venini( ) móg³by byæ ca³kiem realny

A oto informator który przys³a³ mi Gianfranco;
Yacht Club Como Trophy 2011
DATE October 29rd and 30th - 2011
PLACE Como – Lido di Villa Olmo (Como lake)
ENTRY the entry form is to send to Yacht Club Como (fax +39 031 555571 or e-mail ) within october 21 2011 (better if before october 14),
Club, national license number, 3 radio frequencys ( – – or 2.4, AMB transponder number and e-mail address are required
The Organizers will send You back a confirmation of Your registration by e-mail.
Few days before the race each Driver will receive, by e-mail, the complete program.
Only the first 50 boats registered will take part to the race.
ENTRY FEE € 20.00 for 1 boat (to pay in Como - Sunday 30 - before race)
ORGANISATION Yacht Club Como M.I.La. C.V.C. - Como (Italy)
PRICES for the First, the Second and the Third
MEETING PLACE Lido di Villa Olmo / Como (Como lake) - Italy
FREE TRAINING Saturday October 29rd - 14.00 > 18.00
RACE Sunday October 30th – from 9.00
OVERNIGHT STAY in Como with a lot of choice – to have lowest fares reserve the Hotel with the race registration by our Club.
LUNCH and DINNER fast lunch on race site or at our Club Restaurant near the race place, Sunday special fast lunch € 20,00
INFORMATIONS Gianfranco Polito
RULES UIM / FIM 2011 rules:
2 rounds – 20’ each – pick in the rounds too – best 12 by number of laps in the best round of 2 run the 30’ final race
HOLIDAYS in the days before and/or after the race we can plan for You holidays on the lake of Como as You ask, we may have for Racers special low fares for Hotels in Como or near highway and Turist boats on the lake of Como. In the same days our Restaurant Club is open for the Racers too
www.yachtclubcomo.itThe race lake is a big lake, the same of the full size boat race lake F1 and cats, and at the end of october the water is generally quiet.ówka.
dnia Wto 16:53, 11 Pa¼ 2011, w ca³o¶ci zmieniany 2 razy